Friday, December 11, 2009

Project 5 Vocodex

For this project i had alot of trouble. I came up with a synth sounds using a sytrus sound i customized then put bass and drums under it. i couldn't find a loop i liked using the mp3 file share program that i was origionally using, so i found another web site where i could find FDR's inaugeral speech. I used the 'only thing we have to fear' part of the speech, then put it into edison, sidechained that to the vocodex, and then dragged it. Last i added a guitar solo using the slayer channel, i used the keyboard and the record tool to input it. I had worked on this project for a couple days, but every time i went to save this project, my computer froze. this cause my project to get deleted several times after i had spent an entire period working on it, but eventualy my computer co-operated and i now have it saved and completed.

Project 6, Sytrus

For this project, i used a customized sytrus synth with 3 operators, effects, and a filter. I used the riff machine to come up with two different parts that would be used through the sytrus. I used an A-A-B-A pattern. I came up with a somewhat busy bass line, which was very difficult to come up with because the riff machine's pattern was cool but very hard for me to follow the chord changes, so i tried to figure them out by ear and then i made the bass line using the ebass on the slayer channel and used the piano on the record setting to put in the bass line. the second riff machine pattern was much easier to follow and was easy to make a bass line, i also used the piano to write it. I decided that this project needed a more simplified part, so i added the simsynth and put in long drawn out notes to complement the intricate sytrus and bass part. Last i added a rock beat on the drums and some fills and ended the song with a layer with 5 different crash symbals

Monday, November 16, 2009

Project 5 day 3

today i looked at a different synth called the autogun, and i found a cool very clean synth. I used the synth sound to do an arpegiaded pattern that i came up with last time. Then i found a latin drum groove and put it with the synth sound, but i recorded the synth pattern by using the keyboard and not dragging the notes so it recorded not at the 100bpm but at about 120, so ill have to re-record it. Im also using a vocoded preacher that i found awhile ago with the panner setting.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Project 5 day2

Today i worked on the vocoder project for the second time. I found out when i opened fl studio and tried to open the project i worked on last time that it had gotten deleted. So this time i spent tiem looking for the previous audio clip i had of a preacher and then came up with an organ part using the sim synth.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Project 5

Today i worked on finding some more audio files to use with the Vocoder. i found one with gospel music and one with a preacher and im thinking of running them both through the vocoder to see what it sounds like, but it may not be very good. I also came up with a chord progression on the Simsynth and put 2 automation clips on it similar to my last project.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

project 3, FX

For this project I mainly used the clone tool, layer tool, and lots of FX. I started out with a chop tool using 3 octaves and then put a bass line under it. I chopped the bass line and added a rock drum beat from FPC. I then figured out a mid section of the song, I wrote a minor part for the lead gutiar and had a bass with distortion playing a line lower and i used the layer tool so that i could change it up after a bar and then go back. I used this layer tool technique for the first part of the song when it changes notes. After i got done writing, i added some FX, and i added reverb to the drums and phaser to the guitar.<

project 4, automation

On this project I had alot of fun messing around with the automation effects. I came up with a basic minor line for the simsynth and then added a straight up rock beat from FPC. I added a drum fill every so often, sometimes four to eight bars apart, and added alot of reverb to the fill. I wrote out a middle part using the chop tool and a 3octave minor part. Then i added the automation. I used the sim cut envelope and the sim emphasis envelope first and put in different points and found what sounded good. After i did that i put in a panning automation that happens every other four bars for four bars. It gives the solo/midsection a bounce back effect i really like. Also, the way the cut and emphasis envelopes are set for the first part of the solo, it sound like a steel drum which i liked.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Project two, chop tool, FPC, transpose

For this project, I worked with FPC, and the chop tool and transpose tools. I looked through most of the chop tool options and i settled with trance 6. I used a relatively long progression for the verse, and shorter ones for the two lead guitar parts. Then i found an FPC rock drum beat that i thought would go with the guitar part. Next i added a bass line that followed the guitar notes and then used the chop tool. When i was coming up with the fast guitar arpegio pattern, i used a minor arp. then down a whole step to a major, then down a whole step to another major. I also changed some of the notes to add in flavor notes i might play if i was really playing the pattern. The next arpegio pattern i used different chop tool options to make a different progression with major, minor and sevenths. Then i finished the song with the begining riff and a drum fill that i used several times in the song.

Monday, September 14, 2009

project one, drum loop

When i was writing this drum loop, i had some trouble coming up with ideas. I decided on a straight rock beat with 1/8 notes on the high hat snare and kick drum, but i wanted to change it up so i added an open high hat on the and of 3. I used the FPC style kick and snare drum sounds and i also used RD high hat. For the first fill i decided that i wanted some toms in there so i put a building and panning snare drum that leads to a decending tom fill. The next part of the project i had 1/16th notes on the highhat for a fast rock beat with 2 kick drum hits on the 3rd beat. My second fill i used the toms and kick drum to make a bounce back like fill, and i combined the fill 2 with the snare part i used in fill 1 to transition into the end of the song.