Thursday, October 29, 2009

project 3, FX

For this project I mainly used the clone tool, layer tool, and lots of FX. I started out with a chop tool using 3 octaves and then put a bass line under it. I chopped the bass line and added a rock drum beat from FPC. I then figured out a mid section of the song, I wrote a minor part for the lead gutiar and had a bass with distortion playing a line lower and i used the layer tool so that i could change it up after a bar and then go back. I used this layer tool technique for the first part of the song when it changes notes. After i got done writing, i added some FX, and i added reverb to the drums and phaser to the guitar.<


  1. All i can say This was amazingly done. I loved all the effects and especially the guitar. The drums came in at the perfect times and the beats were not all the same giving your project a very nice flow. I could tell you knew exactly what you wanted because it sounded great. Very nice job!!

  2. Very well done Zack. I get that you really see the pig picture in terms of song structure. All of the ideas unfold in a logical way. The drums play a supporting role and play appropriate fills when needed. Effects are used in moderation and don't overwhelm the piece.
